Changing Customs
Let us think of a small society! A society whose people are extremely stubborn and are loyal to their traditions just like flesh and bone.
Let us think that you are an important judge in such a society.
Although you are an important judge, to what extent can you change the traditions of this stubborn society by working hard and replace them with high ethics?
Let us think of the following too before answering this question:
A father sometimes cannot change the bad habits of his son despite his advice.
A teacher sometimes cannot demolish the bad ethics of his/her students.
Despite all kinds of harsh punishment, crimes such as theft cannot be prevented.
A doctor cannot cause an addictive person to give up smoking…
Now, as a great judge, how many of the customs could we change in such a stubborn society and how long would it take?
It is clear that a great judge can only cause to give up a small custom in a small society such as smoking temporarily. However, Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) managed to eliminate many great customs from a stubborn society whose people were strictly loyal to their traditions in a very short time with a very limited power and aid. He replaced those customs with such high ethics that it is matchless in history.
We show the Arabian Peninsula to those who did not see Hz. Muhammad's ((pbuh) Era of Bliss and say to them, "Take hundreds of philosophers there and work there for a hundred years. Can you do only one percent of what the Prophet did there?" We advise those who do not see this reality to look at the Arabian Peninsula.
- The Reforms that He made in the society that He was sent as a Prophet is a proof of His (PBUH) prophethood.
- The unmatched revolution the Quran made in the world proves that the Quran is the word of Allah.
- How was life in Arabian Peninsula before Islam? Could you please give information about the belief systems of that time?
- How can I understand that Mohammad (pbuh) is really the prophet of God?
- What are the evidences of our prophet´s (PBUH) prophethood?
- Can I get information about the high ethics of Hz. Muhammad (PBUH)?
- The Biggest and Eternal Miracle is the Qur'an
- How did madhhabs emerge?
- Why does marriage with four people exist in Islam?
- life of Arabs in Arabia