Al-Basir (The All-Seeing)

Al- Basir: means the one that sees everything. Yes, Allah is Basir. He sees everything. Nothing can be concealed from Him. Everything is in scope of His vision all the time. It is not possible for objects to be hidden from the sun without any barrier; the sun surrounds them with its light. Similarly, no object can be concealed from the sight of Allah Almighty. Allah Almighty sees all objects like He sees one thing; seeing one of them does not prevent Him from seeing the others.

It is not possible to understand Allah's attribute of Basar fully. A small manifestation of the name Basir is present in man. Thanks to the manifestation of this name in him, man sees the world and the things in it. However, man's attribute of seeing is limited. For instance, he sees the wall but cannot see what is behind the wall. He sees things at a certain distance, but he cannot see beyond. He sees what is in front of him but not what is behind him. When he sees something, he cannot see some other things. However, Allah Almighty sees all objects simultaneously. Seeing one object does not prevent Him from seeing the others. He sees everything, from particles to suns, from daisies to galaxies, from fish at the bottom of the seas to the candles in the sky simultaneously. It is definitely impossible for man to understand such a magnificent attribute of seeing with his insufficient mind. We accept and believe that Allah Almighty has the attribute of seeing. However, we cannot understand the nature and content of this attribute. 

This realm witnesses that Allah Almighty is Basir as follows: Every being witnesses that Allah is Basir with with their orderly and artistic body and addresses those who hear as follows: O man! Look at me and read me! Look how regularly I was created! What a wonderful art I have! Look, there is balance in all of my organs! All branches of science have been busy to discover this system and balance. My Creator definitely needs to see me in order to create me like that. He needs to see me so that He will create me so orderly and artistically. A being that cannot see cannot have this order and art. Every being witnesses that Allah Almighty is Basir with the tongue of disposition of their order and art.  

The creation of sustenance perfectly and its deliverance to those who need it just in time proves that Allah Almighty is Basir. For, to deliver the sustenance to those who need it just in time and to create the sustenance in accordance with the body of that creature can only be possible through seeing. A being that cannot see cannot do this wise deed. That is, the doer of this wise deed can only be a being that sees everything simultaneously.

The general order in this realm, from atoms to the movement of stars, proves that Allah Almighty is Basir. For, such an order can only be controlled by a being that sees the whole universe. A being that cannot see the whole universe simultaneously cannot establish and maintain this order. That is, the order in this realm witnesses with its tongue of disposition that Allah Almighty is Basir.

The orderly and artistic bodies of the creatures, the creation of their sustenance, its deliverance to those who need it just in time, and the order in this realm witness that Allah Almighty is Basir; similarly, the creation of the creatures with decoration, their wise relationships with one another, the ease in their creation, the difference in their shapes and many other aspects witness that Allah Almighty is Basir.

Now, let us listen to the Quran and pay attention to some verses where the name Basir is mentioned:

No vision can grasp Him, but His grasp is over all vision: He is above all comprehension yet is acquainted with all things. (al-An’am: 103)

Verily Allah knows the unseen of the heavens and the earth: and Allah sees well all that ye do. (al-Hujurat: 18)

What we need to learn from this name is as follows: Since Allah is Basir and sees everything, He definitely sees us and watches all of our acts. No state of us can be concealed from Him. Since He sees us, we need to feel ashamed and have good manners. We must not show Him the deeds that he does not consent to; that is, we must not do those ugly deeds. We must avoid doing the deeds about which we feel ashamed even in the presence of a small child in the presence of Allah when He sees us.

O our Lord! You hear what we say and see our state; nothing can be concealed from you. We are your poor, needy, sinning, rebellious slaves who oppress their souls. Forgive us and pardon the ugly states that you see in us with your grace and generosity.

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