Will a person be held responsible if he shares hadiths whose sources are not definite?
- Will we be held responsible if we share the statements whose sources are not definite and that are shared as hadiths in social media?
Submitted by on Fri, 31/05/2024 - 11:40
Dear Brother / Sister,
Some statements and narrations that are not sound and that are even fabricated are reported as hadiths in some writings and talks.
Therefore, it is necessary for the person who reports those narrations to others to know the science of hadith and to be a person of taqwa or to show the place of the hadith in a sound resource.
If the conditions above are not observed, a person who reports a fabricated statement as a hadith will be held responsible.
It is necessary to take the following hadiths into consideration about the narrations whose source are not certain:
“If a person reports something that is known to be a lie as my statement, he is a liar.” (Muslim, Muqaddima, 1; Tirmidhi, Ilm, 9/2662)
“If a person attributes what I did not say to me, he should prepare for his place in Hell.” (Bukhari, Ilm, 38)
Questions on Islam
- How should we understand the following hadith: "Tell people the hadiths that they can understand. Do you want Allah and the Prophet to be denied"?
- How Can We Be Sure That the Hadiths of the Prophet (PBUH) Reached Us Without Distortion?
- Will you give information about the Imams of the four madhhabs?
- How Can We Be Sure That the Hadiths of the Prophet (PBUH) Reached Us Without Distortion?
- Do the words of hadiths belong to the Prophet too?
- What does Allah give a person if He wants to do good for him?
- Will you please explain the verses that order us to obey the messenger of Allah?
- Why did Allah not make a promise about guarding the hadiths, which are the secondary basic resource of Islam, as He made a promise about guarding the Quran?
- Will causing a sin make a person a sinner?
- Considering that hadiths reached us through many narrators, why should we trust hadiths and why should we not deny hadiths?