I need a convincing answer about the Muhammad’s (pbuh) having a physical relationship with his concubine.
Submitted by on Mon, 19/12/2022 - 16:10
Dear Brother / Sister,
The Prophet (pbuh) had only one wife whom he married as a concubine: Our mother, Mariya (r.a.). The other women he married were free women.
Did the Prophet free Mariya first and get married then?
Mariya stayed with the Prophet (pbuh) as a concubine (female slave) and became the mother of Ibrahim.
“O Prophet! We have made lawful to thee thy wives to whom thou hast paid their dowers; and those whom thy right hand possesses out of the prisoners of war whom Allah has assigned to thee…” (al-Ahzab, 33/50)
In the verse above, the women who were halal for the Prophet are stated as two groups: the free women whose mahrs were given and the concubines who were included in the booty of war.
It is understood from the expression of the verse above that the Prophet (pbuh) took some concubines into his family. According to the information given by the sources, among the concubines the Prophet (pbuh) took as war booty, he freed Safiyya and Juwayriyya - by giving them mahr - and married them as free women. He included Rayhana and Mariya, who was given to him as a gift by the Egyptian ruler Muqawqis, in his family as concubines (see Ibn Kathir, Mawardi, Baghawi, Samarqandi, Qasimi, Ibn Ashur, Alusi, Maraghi, the interpretation al-Ahzab, 50; Qurtubi, al-Ahzab: interpretation al-Ahzab 28-29).
Regarding the issue that Mariya was included in the family of the Prophet (pbuh) as a concubine, (see Tabari, Samarqandi, Ibn Juzay, Razi, The interpretation of at-Tahrim, 1).
Questions on Islam
- What is a concubine?
- Is it not permissible according to the Quran to have sexual intercourse with concubines (female slaves) without marriage?
- Even though slavery and concubinage no longer exist today, can concubines (female slaves) be taken as booty in a war?
- Did prophet muhammad allowed the slavery of women? If yes the why so? what are the reasons behind it? and is it good to teat women as slave in islam?
- Did our Prophet not marry Umm Sharik because she was old?
- Could you give information about the Prophet’s wives and his polygamy?
- Will you give information about the viwes of the prophet (PBUH) and his polygamy?
- Were there any women whom the Prophet wanted to marry but could not marry?
- Does the following verse forbid peace?: "Do not cry for peace when you are uppermost."
- Will you give information about the Quranic verses that criticize the Prophet (pbuh)?