How should we understand the hadith "If a person says 'inshaallah' (if Allah wills) when he speaks, it shows the perfection of his belief"?
Submitted by on Mon, 04/04/2016 - 18:25
Dear Brother / Sister,
“If a person says 'inshaallah' (if Allah wills) when he speaks, it shows the perfection of his belief.”
(Suyuti, Jamiu’s-Saghir, II/ 50)
There is a hadith regarding the issue.
This statement shows the belief that Allah is aware of everything and that nothing can take place if He does not wish. A person with such belief has reached the level of perfection in belief.
It is a phrase meaning "(it will happen) if Allah wishes"; it is uttered in order to refer everything to the wish of Allah.
It is necessary to say "inshaallah" in order to be included among those who obey Allah in His presence. The following is stated in a hadith:
"There is no obedience better than saying inshaallah for people."
It is necessary for a person to say inshaallah when he says, "I will do… "or "I will go to…………… tomorrow."
If "inshaallah" is uttered while arranging something and if it is not fulfilled, those people are not regarded to have told lies. (Miftah-ul Jannah)
The word "inshaallah" is also uttered in definite things. Although Allah stated that Muslims would enter Masjid al-Haram, He sent the following verse to teach Muslims to say inshaallah: "Ye shall enter the Sacred Mosque, if Allah wills". (al-Fath, 48/27)
It is stated in the Quran that Hz. Ismail said,
"... "O my father! Do as thou art commanded: thou will find me if Allah so wills one practicing Patience and Constancy." (as-Saaffat, 102)
Once, the Prophet (pbuh) visited a cemetery and said, "Inshaallah we will meet you" addressing the dead people as a necessity of divine education though it is certain that everybody will die. (Muslim)
Although the Prophet (pbuh) knew that his prayer would be accepted based on a verse, he said,
"The prayer of each prophet is accepted. All prophets prayed for their ummas in this world. I pray Allah to give me the permission to intercede in the hereafter. Inshaallah my prayer will be accepted. I will intercede for all people except polytheists." [Muslim]
Hz. Sulayman's Test:
The following is stated in the Quran:
"And We did try Solomon: We placed on his throne a body (without life): but he did turn (to Us in true devotion)." (Sad, 38/34)
Fakhruddin Razi said:
Once, Hz. Sulayman told his wives that he would visit them one by one at night and that he would have a son from each of them who would fight in the way of Allah. However, he forgot to say inshaallah. He had a crippled child. They put him on the throne of his father. The following is stated in a hadith: "I swear by Allah that if Sulayman had said inshaallah, it would have happened as he wished." (Bukhari)
When the Prophet (pbuh) was asked about spirit, Ashab al-Kahf and Dhul-Qarnayn, he said, "I will tell you about them tomorrow," but he forgot to say, inshaallah. Therefore, he did not receive any revelation for a few days. Then, the following verse was sent down:
"Nor say of anything, 'I shall be sure to do so and so tomorrow' ― Without adding, 'So please Allah!'" (al-Kahf, 18/ 23, 24)
Prophets do not commit sins; their deeds like the ones above are called "zalla".
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