Are hadiths about medicine, astronomy and other sciences reliable?
How sound (sahih) are the hadiths of the Prophet (pbuh) about health? Is there something called Tibb an-Nabawi (Prophetic Medicine)? Are there hadiths of the Prophet about astronomy, mechanics, etc.? How reliable are they?
Submitted by on Wed, 16/05/2018 - 14:39
Dear Brother / Sister,
There are hadiths about those topics. The hadiths of the Prophet (pbuh) about medicine have attracted attention since the beginning and the hadith scholars who wrote the famous six hadith books (Kutub as-Sittah) allocated separate chapters to Tibb an-Nabawi(Prophetic Medicine).
Bukhari has two chapters called "Kitabut-Tibb" and "Kitabul-Marda"; Abu Dawud has one chapter called "Kitabut-Tibb"; Tirmidhi includes Tibb in his book called Jami’. Similarly, Ibn Majah, Muslim, Nasai, Ahmad Bin Hanbal and Imam Malik included hadiths about medicine in their books. Afterwards, separate books called "Tibb an-Nabawi" were written. The first books on Tibb an-Nabawi was written by Abdulmalik B. Habib, who lived in 120 H.
Questions on Islam
- Will you give information about Tibbb an-Nabawi (prophetic medicine) and the advice of the Prophet (pbuh) about health and medicine?
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- Masjid An-Nabawi is Built
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- Considering that hadiths reached us through many narrators, why should we trust hadiths and why should we not deny hadiths?