What is the Trust expressed in Quran that has been assumed to man?
The meaning of the verse about the trust:
We did indeed offer the Trust to the heavens, and the earth, and the mountains; but they refused to undertake it being afraid thereof. But man assumed it; indeed, he is most unjust, most foolish. (al-Ahzab, 72)
Lexical meaning of Trust: being reliable, something given to somebody to be protected. The opposite of being reliable is treason. That is, not to protect the Trust, to expend it in accordance with one own wishes, not in accordance with the wishes of the person who entrusted it. ..
There are a lot of meanings of trust in the terminology. The most well- known ones are the followings:
The whole of the offerings pertaining to religion, fardhs (religious obligations), the commands of Islam, every bounty bestowed to man, the mind, the ability to be the vicegerent on the earth.
A light from the sun of the Quran:
On no soul does Allah place a burden greater than it can bear (al- Baqara, 286)
One of those souls is the eye; the duty of hearing hasnt been burdened on it. Another one is the ear; comprehension hasnt been offered to it. The spirits of the sheep arent in charge of contemplation, and the mountains and the rocks arent in charge of spreading light Everything is charged with a duty in accordance with its ability. Mans spirit has a considerable difference from the other beings. Partial free will is attached to it. It is free whether to perform the duty burdened to it or not. He becomes unjust and foolish due to his misuse of the free will and putting it under his souls order.
Kuran güneşinden bir nur:
The trust is given to the one who has the faculty of will. When you put your money in a strongbox, you do not say that I entrusted my money to the box. That is, inanimate things can not given the trust. The angels arent much different from them, either. Their appointment with a duty is not by offer, but by command.
In the verse about the trust, it is mentioned that the Trust has been presented to the heavens, the earth, and the mountains but not has been offered. If it had been offered, then it would have been impossible for them to refuse it. There is another meaning in presentation. A king presents a duty to a private soldier that he has called to his presence. For example, he can say to him Can you perform the duty of a clerk? . That soldier apologizes to the king and says, I am sorry to say that I cant read and write; if I could, I would perform your command. This offer isnt similar to saying Bring me a glass of water. Every soldier can bring the water but everybody cannot perform the clerk duty.
In the verse about the Trust, Almighty Allah has wanted a task from the heavens, the earth and the mountains. He has presented them a trust. We cannot know the nature of this presentation and we cannot consider their abstaining from this task as a rebellion. The task offered to them is not that the kind they can perform with their abilities, capital and power. However, the qualities of mans nature, the equipments attached to him, the abilities given to him are suitable for him to perform this task. Thus, he has undertaken the trust that the heavens have abstained from.
What is this task? Hazrat Badiuzzaman indicates that this trust is mans ability in the eleventh truth of the Resurrection and the Hereafter Pamphlet and he explains the task burdened to this ability as Measuring and knowing with his slight and petty measures and crafts, the all encompassing attributes, the universal workings, and the infinite manifestations of his Creator.
Let us explain it by his own comparison: Just as I make this house and know how to make it, and I see it and own it and administer it, so the mighty palace of the universe has a Maker. Its Maker knows it, sees it, makes it, administers it and so on...
As you see, the heavens, the earth and the mountains could not burden the task of knowing Allahs infinite attributes, workings by making this comparison and many similar comparisons, because they did not have the ability to do it..
People are advised not to be in pursuit of minor things by that verse that declares the importance of the man that surpasses the heavens and his sublime duty that surpasses the universe. He is taught and reminded that he will spiritually behave unjustly towards the abilities granted to him by misusing them and he will be foolish since he will purchase Hell instead of Heaven otherwise.
- What is the meaning of the trust mentioned in verses of 72 of the chapter of al-Ahzab?
- Would you like to explain the verse 72 of Chapter Al-Ahzab?
- How should we understand the verse “We did indeed offer the Trust to the Heavens and the Earth and the Mountains...”?
- In the verse 72 of Chapter Al-Ahzab, Allah says; We did indeed offer the Trust (Amanah) to the Heavens and the Earth and the Mountains: but they refused to undertake it, being afraid thereof: but man undertook it― he was indeed unjust and foo
- Why does Allah give man so much importance to man though man is like a sand grain in the universe? Prophets, books, Paradise, Hell, etc. exist for us.
- Did the Prophet Adam or all mankind undertake the trust?
- Why did Allah give the trust to man, who is cruel and ignorant, though He says “Allah doth command you to render back your Trusts to those to whom they are due”?
- Belief
- According to verse 72 of the chapter of al-Ahzab, are cruelty and ignorance inherent in human nature?
- The Fourteenth Word: Some verses and Hadiths which are difficult to understand: The creation of heavens and the earth in six days.