- Seventh Matter which is the Seventh Booklet: It explains an important secret about Risale-i Nur students, the seven divine aids, in the following verse: “Say: ‘In the bounty of Allah. And in His Mercy,- in that let them rejoice’:... (Yunus, 10:58.)
- Third Section, which is the Third Booklet: About the word “Allah” (Lafzullah).
- First Matter which is the First Booklet: Facts about dream interpretations.
- Fourth Matter which is the Fourth Booklet: The answer to a trivial question to warn brothers.
- Eighth Matter which is the Eighth Booklet: It consists of “Eight Points”, written as an answer to six questions.
- Fifth Matter which is the Fifth Booklet: The booklet of Thanking.
- Third Matter which is the Third Booklet: Risale-i Nur fulfils an important duty of guidance today.
- Second Section which is the Second Booklet: It is about fasting in Ramadan. Nine wisdoms among many wisdoms of Ramadan. The explanation of the following verse: “Ramadan is the (month) in which was sent down the Quran, as a guide to mankind,... (2;185)
- Addendum to the Sixth Section, which is the Sixth Booklet: It was written to avoid the hatred and insults that can target us in the future.
- Second Matter which is the Second Booklet: It describes the following hadith: “Hz. Musa (Moses) struck Azrail (the angel of death) in the eye…”