Belief in the Hereafter: Preface
When the sun (with its spacious light) is folded up; When the stars fall, losing their luster; When the mountains vanish (like a mirage); When the she-camels, ten months with young, are left untended; When the wild beasts are herded together (in human habitations); When the oceans boil over with a swell; When the souls are sorted out, (being joined, like with like); When the female (infant) buried alive, is questioned― For what crime she was killed; When the Scrolls are laid open; When the World on High is unveiled: When the Blazing Fire is kindled to fierce heat; And when the Garden is brought near― (Then) shall each soul know what it has put forward. (at-Takwir 1-14)
As is clear with the statement of this kind of verses, one day shall come and there will be an end for this world and the gate of another realm will be opened. This is as definite as the existence of the universe that we see.
In this work named “Belief in the Hereafter”, the resurrection, which is one of the pillars of faith, is proven with the certainty of two plus two equaling four. The truths mentioned in this work are so powerful that they convince even the most stubborn disbeliever.
If someone was to claim about a palace or a city: “This palace or city will be destroyed, and will then be repaired and reconstructed so that it is intact,” six questions would surely arise in the face of his claim.
The First: Why should they be destroyed? Is there a reason or something to necessitate it? If the answer is “Yes,” he would have to prove it.
The Second: A question such as the following would arise: “Does the builder who would destroy and then reconstruct them possess the power to do so? Would he be capable of it?” If the answer is “Yes,” and if it is proved, the third question is asked.
The Third: “Are the destruction of this palace and building possible?” If the answer is “Yes,” and if it is proved, the fourth question is asked.
The Fourth: , “And, are they going to be destroyed in the future?” If the answer is “Yes,” and if it is proved, the following two further questions would arise:
The Fifth and Sixth questions “Is it possible for this strange palace or city to be reconstructed?” If the answer is “Yes,” and he proves these as well, then in no aspect or corner of this matter can a gap or chink remain through which any doubt, misgiving or suspicion might enter.
As is shown in this example:
If it is proven that
There are reasons for both destroying and repairing the world
The doer and the master of it is capable of that
Destroying it is possible and will come true
Repairing it is also possible and will come true, there can be no doubt and suspicion about this issue.
In this work, each one of those six aspects will be proved with the certainty of two plus two equaling four, and the existence of the hereafter will shown definitely like sun
In order to properly benefit from our work, first of all, you need to know the path and method that we followed. In this work, “Belief in the Hereafter” we followed a method like this:
We examined the proofs under main headings and items. Each heading is separate and enough to prove the existence of the Hereafter. The strength resulting from the all headings is absolutely irrefutable.
In each proof, there is a two-step method:
Step 1: In this step, the actions and manifestations in the universe are mentioned, and then we pass from action to doer, from name to its owner, from attributes to its owner.
For example, in the first step of the first proof, we will mention the sovereignty visible in the universe, through this proof, we will prove the existence of God, the Monarch of Pre-Eternity and Post-Eternity. In the first step of the second proof, we will mention the mercy visible in the universe and by making this mercy proof, we will prove the existence of God, the All-Merciful. In the first step of the third proof, we will mention the dignity visible in the universe and through it, we will prove the existence of God, the Most Dignified One. The same method will be applied to the other proofs.
So, in step 1, we will mention the actions, names and attributes and then pass to doer from action, to the owner of the name from the name, to the owner of the attributes from the attributes because actions cannot be without doers, names without owners, and attributes without makers; a needle cannot exist without a manufacturer and a letter cannot exist without a writer.
So in step 1, the existence of God is also proven.
Step 2: In step 1, we dwell on actions and manifestations and then go to doer and the owner of the name; in step 2, it is proven that the name and the attribute mentioned necessitate the Hereafter. So, this step is where the existence of the Hereafter is proven.
The topics mentioned in each proof consist of three rings of chain.
1- The manifestation in the universe
2- The appearing names and attributes
3- These names and attributes’ necessitating the Hereafter
These chains are interlaced, and one cannot do any harm to any single chain without completely destroying the whole. The topic is a whole, if one cannot refute the whole topic, he cannot refute a single part of it, either.
Therefore, we can say that
· In order to deny the existence of the Hereafter, first of all, one needs to deny the doer, that is God.
· In order to deny God’s existence, one needs to deny the actions and names visible in the universe.
· In order to deny the actions and the names visible in the universe, one needs to deny the universe as a whole, which is not possible.
· In other words, if one cannot deny the universe, s/he cannot deny the visible actions, either; if s/he cannot deny the actions, s/he cannot deny the doer, either; the one who cannot deny the doer, cannot deny the name belonging to the doer necessitating the Hereafter apparent in the actions, either.
In short: In every heading, such a way is followed that in order to deny the Hereafter, one will have to deny the universe and abdicate the reason. In this work, the existence of the universe will be proven in the most clear fashion.
While the work “Belief in the Hereafter” was being prepared, Badiuzzaman Said Nursi’s booklet, “Resurrection and the Hereafter” was used as a source, which is also known as “the Tenth Word”. All the truths dwelled on in our work have been taken from Badiuzzaman Said Nursi’s mentioned work.
With this work, we aim:
· To bring our faith from imitation to investigation regarding the belief in the Hereafter,
· To Save those people who are unsure about the Hereafter from doubts,
· To be a means for unbelievers to enter belief,
· To be a guide for those who may have to be engaged in a discussion with disbelievers,
· And finally to gain the consent of God Almighty.
Assistance only comes from God.
- Belief in the Hereafter: Introduction
- Belief in the Hereafter # 3: The Proof of Dignity
- The Third Proof: The Proof of Dignity
- The new video of "Belief in the Hereafter" is now available!
- Belief in the Hereafter # 10: The Proof of Preserving
- Belief in the Hereafter # 2: The Proof of Mercy
- The Second Proof: The Proof of Mercy
- The Tenth Proof: The Proof of Preserving
- Belief in the Hereafter # 1: The Proof of Sovereignty
- The First Proof: The Proof of Sovereignty