Abu Qays (r.a.)

Although the majority of the people in the Era of Jahiliyya deviated from the right path and became ignorant enough to worship the idols they made with their own hands, there were some people, though very few, who worshipped the religion of Hz. Ibrahim. One of those fortunate people was Abu Qays.

Abu Qays, whose original name was "Sirma", used to say, "I worship the Lord of Ibrahim." He was a person who was loved by his tribe. He did not worship idols; he followed the religion of oneness. He abandoned the world and was busy with worshipping.

He was a poet; he recited very beautiful poems. In these poems, he invited people to the truth, righteousness and Allah. One of his beautiful poems is as follows:

“Abu Qays wants your goodness and says: Keep my advice as much as you can. I first advise you to obey and submit to Allah, to have taqwa, to protect your chastity, but to obey Allah before everything else. Do not be jealous of anyone who holds a position in your tribe. If you become the leader, act justly. When your tribe is hit by a misfortune, sacrifice your wealth and life for the sake of your tribe. If your tribe is harmed, help them. Give them whatever they want from you at times of misfortunes.  If you suffer a hardship, be chaste, do not want anything from others. When you are well off, let others benefit from your favors.”

Hz. Abu Qays became a Muslim when Islam spread in Madinah. He was very old. He was among those who met the Prophet in Madinah during the Migration. He recited the following poem to celebrate the Migration:

"The Messenger of Allah stayed among Qurayshis for more than 10 years. He conveyed the message of Islam there and looked for friends who would believe in him. He told people about Islam in all seasons. There was nobody who could understand his invitation. However, he came to us. He settled among us in peace.  He stayed with us gladly. You do not fear the hostility of anyone here; nor do you feel worried about the oppression of anyone. When he suffered from hostility and persecution, we sacrificed our wealth and lives. I beg Allah in every prayer: "O Lord! Do not allow our enemies to defeat us."

Abu Qays died when he was about 120 years old.

May Allah be pleased with him! [1]

[1]Usdul-Ghaba, 3: 18-19; 5: 278; al-Isaba, 2: 173.

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